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Youth exchanges

Youth exchanges are among the most well-known activities supported by the Erasmus+ program. They provide a fun and creative approach to learning in an international environment. The program promotes values such as human rights, sustainability, social inclusion, active participation of young people, and digitalization. All activities we participated in were financially supported by Erasmus + programme.

August 2024 | Finland

Ignition Under

We have participated in the youth exchange project, Ignition Under in Finland. Young people from 10 different countries collaborated on creating short films and plays focused on climate change and the impact of humans on the environment. 

July 2024 | Slovenia

Activated for the Future

We connected with ourselves and others through activities in nature, discovering what we needed to feel good in our own skin and how to express it. We created a short theatre performance, a series of social media content, and postcards inspired by the paintings. We explored different types of nature, including forests, springs, and the sea, and enjoyed each other's cultures.

August 2023 | Portugal

Digital Storytelling

On the youth exchange to Portugal, we did a lot of team building exercises at first. And getting to know the city we were located in, but later on we started doing lots of different acting challenges for beginner actors and started gathering material for our editing process that would come in you later on. We also learned how to surf, but that was not the main task at hand.

July 2023 | Slovenia

Ready for Solidarity

This project brought together young people from Italy, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Morocco and Israel. We explored different cultural and religious roots and background, explored topics like inclusion, social, cultural and religious differences, tolerance, solidarity by using different approaches and methods, including photography, video, posters/prints and other ways of expression while having fun.

July / October 2023 | Slovenia / Cyprus


This twofold project addressed sustainability, green solutions, and nature connectedness. First part was in Slovenia in Summer and the second part in Cyprus on Autumn. Young people co-created their projects and proposed their own activities, put special energy to organize a local international evening, and spent a lot of time in nature.

July 2023 | Italy

Telling EUr Story

Five girls shared their stories and experiences with one another through conversation, theatre and music. They promised to share stories with each other from their different corners of the world. The experience of meeting these five girls, learning about storytelling, and exchanging stories in Italy, was one the girls would never forget.

April / July 2022 | Germany / Slovenia

Me and My World

This project offered ways to learn how to plan and properly nurture your own personal development and how to create a proper environment that will support this development. Young participants from Slovenia, Germany, Latvia, Italy and Croatia first met in Oldenburg in Germany and then made a second youth exchange in Šmarješke Toplice in Slovenia. 

October 2022 | Slovenia

Image for Change

Image for change was a youth exchange about hate speech, social inequality, homophobia, and gender discrimination. Participants from Italy, Ireland, Finland, and Slovenia used theatre, movie making and dance to explore the topics. 

July / October 2022 | Germany

Building Up Myself

This project tackled mental health of young people, especially after pandemic time. We dug into topics of self-reflection, management of emotions as well as detecting supporting environment for their personal and professional growth. Our partners were from Germany, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Serbia and Slovenia!

February 2020 | Slovenia


We can only survive few days without water yet only 1% of the Earth`s water is usable. Our project helped us to develop new skills and awareness about the beauty and importance of water. We were able to express the love we have for water in our street theatre performance, flash mob and other art products. Partners of the project came from Finland, Greece, and Germany,

August 2019 | Spain

No Rumors

Rumors are one of the most influential means of disseminating stereotypes and prejudices about different cultures and certain groups. This project helped us to identify the main stereotypes which circulate throughout Europe about migrants. Participants from Spain, Italy, Ireland and Slovenia created theater performance in the streets of Logroño. MORE.

September 2018 | Germany


We became more aware of the importance of the sustainable living and our responsibility for the future. This project helped us tackle environmental issues through theatre education. Participating countries: Finland, Germany, Slovenia.

July 2019 | Germany

No Bad Religion

The world is still divided, often by religion. This project used the theater to explore two major religions (Christianity and Islam). Participants from Germany, Morocco, Portugal, Poland, Georgia, Italy and Slovenia raised awareness about the values, and philosophy every religion shares and wants to reduce stereotypes and prejudice that derive from ignorance. 

August 2018 | Italy

Nature Connected

The project of seven countries (Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Czechia, Poland and Slovenia) was aiming to provide intercultural learning and eco-awareness using non-formal methods, tackling environmental issues and brainstorming fresh solutions. Booklet

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